Internet of things (IOT), in simple terms can be described as any interconnected devices with electronic sensors and softwares that communicate withinternet . It can send to and receive the data from internet and iscontrolled by it.
Any light fixture or air conditioner thermostat controlled from a remote smart phone app is an example of IOT.The Internet of Things (IOT) , also known as Industrial Internet brings together all machines, analytics and people at work.
Automation of machines and equipments has gained its speed in 1980s. Industries had added the concept of sensors.Now the engineers started thinking of next level automation where human inteference could be minimised by adding intelligence to the machines. The idea was to simply add internet to machines where data could be sent, received and shared. This is how The Internet of Things (IOT) was born.But this name was first used by Sir Kevin Ashton in 1999 at Procter & Gamble. He was the man to coin the term “INTERNET OF THINGS”and so he is now called the Father of IOT.
The Industral Internet of Things is now known by the name “FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION” or INDUSTRY 4.0
As explained above, IOT ecosystem is a web enabled smart device that has attached microchips, sensors and supporting hardwares for inter-communication. It is used to sens, receive and share data without interference of any human being. IOT can also make use of data science, machine learning or Artificial Intelligence in collection of datas and their analysis.
- Internet of Things has enabled to access to data anytime from anywere.
- It enables to monitor the business more closely.
- Control over cost can be easily possible through IOT
- Control over time is possible by IOT.
- Prompt and better decisions can be taken with the help of IOT.
- Profit margin has increased due to more efficient machines giving maximum productivity.
- Better customer experience has imroved the trust in business.
- Business quality has increased manifolds.
- Less human Interference has resulted in smooth operation of business.
- As access level to datas increases, it brings more chances of hacking of datas.
- Apart from hacking, privacy of datas ceases. Aadhar card in India is an example of this demerit. Personal datas were leaked through this cards.
- Dependence on auto system increases. As network becomes large, there are chances of bug that lead to data corruption. Hence hard copy data backup is essential
- User becomes handicapped if server goes down.

Smart Home is most widely used application of IOT. Let us understand what is Smart Home? Think of a situation ocf comig to home from ouside on a hot day summer. Definitely you will love if some has already swiched ON the airconditioner for you. Yes,Its IOT who can do it. The appliances can be controlledfrom a remote. Not only this, you can open the gate, switch ON the lights, start your oven etc. This is nothing but concept of Smart Home.

When our home is smart, why not our beloved city? Now the cities have also become smart. surveillance, automated transportation, smarter energy management systems, water distribution, urban security and environmental monitoring all are examples of internet of things applications for smart cities.
A connected car can optimise its own operations. maintenance and take care of aesthtic of passenger with coded system of IOT and programmed chips. Giant brands like Tesla, BMW, Apple are the faces of these technology.
Industrial Internet of Things or Industry 4.0 has a great potential for quality control and sustainability.Brilliant machines evolved as a result of programmed chips powered by data analytics and artificial intelligence.
Now even retail shops have become online. Grosseries and other usables are being ordered from home through apps or websites and receive the materials at home.Shopkeepers ca be touch with customers even when they are outside the stores. Amazon marketing, Flip kart, snapdeal are some of the examples of smart retail.
IOT can be massively used in the field healthcare. This application is not only important for health industry but also for human being.Studies reveal that IOT in health industry is going to boom and trailormade treatment can be done for individual patients online. There can be cases where surgery may be done and controlled remotely through internet of things.

Smart Energy Management is vey hot topic globally.The grd is managed automatically and data gets collected. Consumption behaviour is forecasted and bling data can be predicted. The best thing is that power pilferage can be totally controlled and power failure maintenance time could be reduced.
Population in the world is overincreasing. Government s are worried about the growing need of food. Here Internet of things has helped agriculture sector in expanding food products with latest techniques of IOT in less time period. Pumping sets, harvesting, thresing are controlled digitally by machines embedded with artificial intelligence.
Wearable machines are the most beautiful application of IOT. We often find wearables like smart watches, hear-beat monitors etc in the market.One wearable gaining popularity is glucose monitor for diabetic patients.In this case, a glucose sensor is placed under patient skin which sends data to glucose monitoring device.