1. Introduction
Electric vehicles in India are the hot topic of the day. The EV market is growing at a very fast rate. Both Central Govt. and State Govt. are taking a keen interest in promoting the vehicle. There are solid reasons why this industry is Important for Govt. The first and foremost reason is the increasing pollution from petrol engines. Secondly, the price of petrol is very high. Thirdly, switching to electric vehicles shall decrease petrol consumption. This will lessen our dependency on other countries for crude oil or petrol.
2. Benefits of Electric Vehicles in India
- To begin with, the air quality of many cities in India is in a very alarming situation. As an illustration, Delhi is in the news frequently for its worst air quality condition. Though the action is taken from time to time, there is no satisfactory improvement in the city. The electric vehicle will be helpful in reducing the pollution in the city.
- Electric vehicles are more efficient the IC engines which consume petrol. Vehicles can save energy by regenerative braking.
- Noise pollution is reduced. Big cities experience huge noise pollution as the no. of vehicles in the cities is more. The EV has no engine and hence no noise. The lesser noise-producing vehicle is attractive for consumers.
- A decrease in petrol consumption will reduce our dependency on oil supplying countries. This will help to not only to become an ATMANIRBHAR NATION but also help to improve our economy.
- Electric vehicles are easier to maintain. As there are lesser moving parts in this type of vehicle, definitely the wear and tear will be less. And it will be easier to maintain
- Electric Vehicle has a low running cost. For Instance, Hyundai Kona EV has a running cost of even lesser than a rupee.
- In today’s atmosphere, people are intension of increasing the price of petrol. EV is the solution to the tension. NO Petrol, No Hike.
- As the EV lack engine, the vehicle becomes more spacious. The space of the engine is utilized for luggage areas by most manufacturers.
- Govt. is giving subsidy for buying electric cars. So, the buyer finds EV economical.
- The Electric Vehicle are gearless. As a result, the rider finds it easier to ride.
3. Challenges before Electric Vehicles in India
Electric Vehicle in India is a boon for the country in a long run. At the same time, it faces so many challenges.
High Price
At the present time, the cost of electric vehicles is considerably high as compared to IC engine vehicles. For example, the price of the Tata Tigore EV is around 10.8 lacs whereas the price of the same vehicle with an IC engine is 7 lacs.
Lack of Charging Infrastructure
Presently there are very few charging stations for EVs in India. In order to fill this gap, both Govt. and private agencies have come forward. Hope that initiatives by the agencies will bring a fruitful result.
(Read More- https://rajpatautomation.com/smart-ev-charging-station-in-2021/)
High Demand Of Electricity
As we know, there is a gap in the demand and supply of electricity in our country. In this situation, more demand from EVs will definitely create a wide gap in demand and supply chain. Moreover, coal consumption in the Thermal power station will increase.
On the one side, EVs are introduced to reduce pollution but at the same time, coal consumption will increase pollution. For this reason, there has to be a balance between thermal energy and hydro energy or nuclear energy.
4. Government Policies and Support
Most countries believe that COVID burst from China and many of them now are not interested in operating their business in China. Our Govt. finds this situation as an opportunity to expand EV business in India. A large share of the Indian economy, nearly 22% comes from the Automobile sector. If the EV industry is successful in India, it will give a big thurst to our economy. With this in mind, Govt. is inviting large EV manufacturing companies to India. There are a no. of policies adopted to make India an EV manufacturing hub.
4.1. FAME- Fast Adoption and Manufacturing of Hybrid and Electric vehicles.
This scheme was launched by the Indian Govt. 2015. The basic idea was to increase EV 2-wheelers, 3-wheelers, e-buses, and e-cars. The budget allocated for the scheme was Rupees 8.95 billion. It continued again in the year 2019.
4.2. National Electric Mobility Plan.2020
National Electric Mobility Plan.2020 announced in the year 2012. The intention behind this scheme was to improve fuel security by promoting electric vehicles. The Auto industry shares 22& of GDP. Saving fuel shall further pushup and strengthen the economy.
4.3. Go electric compaign
Mr. Nitin Gadkari, Minister of Road Transport and Highways launched the Go electric campaign in the presence of Mr. R K Singh, Power Minister in 2021. The idea of announcing the scheme is to promote low-cost, environmentally friendly, and indigenous electrical products. It emphasizes using a battery and CNG vehicles.
4.4. Deen Dyal scheme for e-rikshaw
E- Rikshaw scheme was launched by Mr. Nitin Gadkari . It was launched with a aim to improve the condition of poor fellows. It provided subsidy to empower the purchasing power of poor people who can buy e-rikshaws.
4.5 Delhi Govt. Scheme
Last but not the least, Arvind Kejriwal, CM of Delhi launched EV in Delhi. He plans to develop charging stations every 2-3 kilometers. He not only gave subsidies up to 1.5 lacs on the vehicles but also exempted registration and Road tax.
4.6 Maharashtra Govt.
Govt. has announced an additional income tax deduction of Rs 1.5 lacs on the interest paid on the loan of electric vehicles. This is unique support from Govt. to buyers.
4.7 Karnataka Govt.
Ather Energy launched its charging station service in Bangalore and named as
a “POINT”.
5. Best EVs in India- A Comparision Sheet
The whole world shall celebrate the first WORLD EV DAY on September 9. By the time Indian market shall also be flooded with Electric Vehicles. To sum up, an attempt is made below to provide a summarized comparison sheet of the best Electric Vehicles in India in 2021

6. Tips to buy Electric Vehicles
Whenver anyone buys a car, he has to balance all pros and cons of the vehicle. One should keep the following points in mind before buying any Electric Vehicle
- Cost– It is the biggest criteria for taking the decision for any shoping. One should judge the cost of the vehicle and the features it provides like battery backup, milage etc.
- Infrastructure–As EV lack the infrastructure of recharging. Before buying the car, an survey should be done for the infrastructure availabilty in the area where car intends to run.
- Range–As explained in the comparision sheet, distance covered per recharge should be an important criteria for purchasing any electric car.
- Options–Options are always open. There shall be different Makes of cars available in the market. Hence before any final decision, study the complete details.
- Support– Have a study on the Govt. and private supports for the particular vehicle you want to buy.
7. Frequently Asked Questions
Do electric cars have engines?
No, electric cars have motor instead of engine. Motor gets power from a battery.
What is mean by electric vehicle?
A vehicle that runs on a battery. The Battery power up the connected motor. The battery is charged on a charging station.
What are the types of electric vehicles?
There are three types of electric vehicles classifies on the basis of power drawn. Firstly, Battery electric vehicle(BEV), Secondly, Plug-in hybrid electric vehicle(PHEV), Hybrid electric vehicle(HEV).
Do electric cars use AC or DC?
Electric cars use DC , but it is charged by AC.
How long does the battery of an electric car last?
Battery can last for 100-200 kilometers.
What benefits do electric cars have?
Please refer to above article.
What problems do electric cars have?
Please refer to Challenges before electric vehicle in the article.
What is the charging time for electric cars?
Charging takes 1 hour to 8 hours depending on the type and size of battery.
Can we charge electric cars at home?
Yes it can be done if suffiient Power is available at home.
What is the top speed of electric cars?
Speed is upto 160KMPH.
Can electric cars be used in hills?
Yes, it can climb the hill as it has high torque.
Is there any government subsidy on electric cars?
Yes. For details read Govt. policyin the article.
What is the future of electric vehicles in India?
Govt. wanys to build India a EV hub.
What is the battery life of electric cars?
Manufacturers give warranty of 8 years.
Which is the best electric car in India?
Some brands available in India are-
Tata Nexon EV.
Tata Tigor EV. …
Hyundai Kona Electric.
Mahindra e2oPlus.
Mahindra e-Veri
8. Conclusion
To summarize with, we can look for a big market for Electric Vehicles in India. All giant EV manufacturers wish to have their plant in India. Indian Govt. also is supporting them with its policies . Not to mention , India is going to a EV manufcaturing hub in near future.
Also Read- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electric_vehicle_industry_in_India#Benefits_of_electric_vehicles